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Sansthan Branches
- Shri Kshetra Pandharpur - Shakha
- Shri Kshetra Alandi - Shakha
- Shri Kshetra Trambakeshwar - Shakha
- Shri Kshetra Kapildbara - Shakha
- Shri Kshetra Girda - Shakha
- Shri Kshetra Omkareshwar - Shakha
(A) Shri Kshetra Pandharpur :- The construction work ofGajanan Temple was started in Pandharpur in 1985 which wascompleted on Wednesday 28-4-99. That day the “Pran Pratishtha’’ceremony was organized. The temple is 117’’´75” feet in size & the Kalasb is 84’ feet high. Three trucks hasbeen continuously used to bring marble from Makrana (Rajasthan).There were 34000 craftsmen & labors from Rajasthan working hand inhand to give major shape to Stones & brought to Pandharpur. TheKalash, & Main gate of temple along with ‘Dhwaj Stambh’ are GoldPlated & decently conceived. Other gates a Silver Plated and aremade by expert craftsmen from Banaras.
(B) Shri Kshetra Aalandi :- Branch Sansthan has receivedtwo acres of land on which marble temple of Shreeji an officeBhakt Niwas, Sadhu Niwas beautiful garden are proposed at anexpenditure Rs.700 lakhs approximately on that project.
(C) Shri Kshetra Trombkeshwar :- Shakha On this holly placeconstruction work of 150 room Bhakta Niwas and Worker House hasalready begun. Resides a marble temple of Shreeji, a tribal host &library are proposed which lead another Rs.900 lakhs.
(D) Shri Kshetra Kapildhara Shakha :- Here the Gajanan Maharajdid for 12 years. his religious mortification. Sansthan hasreceived 8 acres of land on which temple of Shreeji, Mahadwar,Sadhak Niwas, Servants Quarter, Lecture hall, Tribal Hostel & 100bed hospital are proposed. Appmximate cost of this project isRs.900 lakhs.
(E) Shri Kshetra Girda Branch :- This 90 acres of landis totally Uninhabited which will be very helpful for “Sadhna”Here Sansthan is Planning to board a Sadhna Gruh. There will bedifferent. “Sadhana Kaksha’ for different sadhna. It will becosting Rs. 700 lacks.
(F) Shri Kshetra Omkareshwar Shakha :- The Sansthan has received 4acres of land at the holybank of Narmada. Sanshtan has started to sell here “Shree Granth Stotra” along with authorizedliterature of Sansthan on the basis of no profit no loss toIncrease faith & belief among people, besides this Shreeji’sdifferent size photograph, cassette of Aarti, Bbopali song by LataMangeshkar are available. Even a small documentary film ofShreeji’s life has been prepared for publicity which available inMarathi, Hindi, Telugu & Kannada languages.
A uniquearrangement of Palki & Dindi procession was started from Shegaonto Pandharpur in 1968 & from Shegaon to Aalandi in 1975 for theconvenience of Bhakts. Along with this Dindi some Palkhis also goto Trambkeshwar, Paithan, Muktabai. Ujjain etc.
Every yearnearly 300 to 600 people called “Varkari” join the procession inPandharpur & Aalandi Every day about 10,000 Bhakts Visit Sansthanand Sansthan receives nearly Rs. 50000 per day by way of donation.Counting Machine is also displayed to count the visitors. Forconveniences of Bhakts Sansthan has opened several departmentslike Abhishek Dept., Donation dept., Utensil dept., SecurityDept., M.O. Dept. Construction Division. Water Supply dept. etc.To bring Bhakts from Station to Temple and temple to StationSansthan has provided 3 luxury buses, which run day-&-night.